What We Believe
We believe that a child’s curiosity and imagination can spark wonderful ideas or stories that should be captured and shared!

10 Ways Parents and Teachers Use Tell About This with Kids
- Let children explore the prompts and tell a story about something they find interesting!
- Use a photo of something exciting from a child’s life and have them record a Tell About to capture their reaction.
- Retell a story using a picture from the book as a custom prompt.
- Oral formative assessment for any learning topic! Teacher creates a prompt and students tell about what they learned.
- Celebrate student projects by taking a photo and having kids explain their work. Email or post for parents to listen!
- Brainstorm a writing piece for early writers.. capture their ideas to play back at any time.
- Recap an exciting family or classroom event with a photo and oral summary created by kids!
- Display a prompt for a group of children and let them think about it, talk about it, and create drawings before recording their responses using individual profiles.
- Kickstart and record verbal language practice using fun prompts that get kids talking!
- Celebrate kid-drawn artwork by creating a Tell About where they explain the story behind it!